Saturday 19 March 2011

Why this place has ‘Snack’ in the title

Seeing as this is only the Gaiden or side story blog I feel that I should explain what it is.

I write twice weekly for on snackfood and convenience food (on a good day they get 1,000 hits!) and gradually my reviews were becoming more and more self indulgent. I was shoehorning which ever game I was most obsessed by into the reviews such as:


Nintendo 3DS Launch - Amsterdam [by @NLi10]

Halo Reach - Mana Potion Vs Sleep [feat. Halo Reach] [by @NLi10] (CyberCandy Birmingham)

The Overlong MW2 rant - Health Potion, by @nli10 (via Cyber Candy, Birmingham UK)

Blood, Blood & True Blood [by @NLi10] (Various Victims)

And THREE for the Indiegame Uprising:

Cake & Biscuits - Various small enterprises [By @NLi10] , 19 Gales Fresh Hand Made Blueberry & Apple Turnover {by @NLi10} (19 Gales Farm Shop - Birmingham University Campus) , 19 Gales Fresh Hand Made Pork Pie [by @NLi10] (19 Gales Farm Shop - Birmingham University Campus)


I think that FSF should stay more about the snacks so I've moved the long game rants here and started fresh. It means that @Cinabar doesn't have to proofread 1,000 word articles on Magic Cards, obscure ikkitosen games and I get to rant somewhere (and have card lists available when I need them in one place).

I'm hoping that the next time I don't turn down an invite to a games event (supposed to be going to London for the 3DS again, staying in bed instead) I can write it up long here, and then just talk about the consumables on

Anyway – feel free to pester me on Twitter or on either blog. @NLi10

And just because I'm having fun with these things (both writing & gaming) it doesn't mean I claim to be any good.


Just my reviews.

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