And ended up with this! The irony of printing out full colour laser prints of cards then trading them in for the same but on cardboard was not lost on me...
ED: These Decks seem to be the Planeswalkers 2009 decks instead of the 2012 decks!
First up Lilliana - Black
Seems to be a typical black deck - a few cheap creatures and lots of destruction. Not much discard and only one creature above 2/2. Seems a nice beginner Black deck.
Chandra - Red
Burn deck! Also this has Lorwyn and Morningtide cards in so has a bit more variety. I think that the uncommons in this deck are pretty good, and Prodigal Pyromancer is very useful in this short format too.
Garruk - Green
Mana ramp, creatures and consistency - it's only got one less card than the other decks (13 land) but 3 less types of card than the red & black decks. Lots of big creatures and targets for other's spells - most having 4 body is a problem for many of these decks.
Anjani - White
And lastly a white life gain deck. No equipment but a few boost spells to ramp things up. Angel's feather only has 17 possible targets to gain life from as you are unlikely to be playing another white deck. In this smaller format though it may work.
Not got Blue, but I'm guessing the deck list will be online and I may end up with another voucher before the offer runs out anyway as more non-paper MTG friends buy the game!
I'm going to play a few games with these to see how it all works - 30 card mini decks may be ideal for our lunchtime games. I'll probably pass these off to the people who gave me the vouchers to start off their card collections...